All of AIS data from satellite, land and dynamic
Accurately predict vessel routing, arrival (PTA) and docking (PTB) times
Check ship basic specification information and voyage information included in AIS
Coverage for
over 400,000 ships
Get detailed information about ships, including tonnage, dimensions, maximum draught, navigation status, and real-time AIS updates. The voyage details such as the port of loading, port of discharge, port calls, and the estimated time of arrival information provided by the carrier are displayed in real-time.
With our adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence, we provide accurate predictive analytics on vessel arrival and berthing date and time. By combining multiple data streams with our proprietary maritime traffic network, we provide highly accurate and reliable arrival information.
View a vessel's past and predicted track with one click. Also, displayed is the information about the distance, port calls, port of destination, and the AIS timestamp.
Easily manage and track vessels of your interest with custom ship tags. Create and keep track of each vessel's tags to manage them efficiently.
We provide exceptional AIS data coverage including Satellite, Terrestrial and Dynamic AIS data meaning you won't have to worry about coverage in high traffic zones, shipping lanes, and busy ports.
Get real-time tracking information for container vessels, bulk carriers, tankers, and all class A vessels.
Get precise vessel routing and tracking information, along with accurate maritime weather routing information.